How to Stop Cancer Ebook

Stop Colorectal Cancer

Colon cancer scares are everywhere but do not worry, there are many positive news. As you already know, it is a kind of cancer that grows slowly which means you have a lot of time to fight it and beat it.

The simplest way to beat it is by living a healthy lifestyle. Change your bad habits and fight colon cancer before it gets to you.

Here are some ways you can do to fight it today.

Chow Down on Vegetable and Fruits!
This is the most cliched phrase ever but you have to believe it. It has been studied to death! Vegetables and fruits really do fight cancer. Eat them along with your breakfast, lunch and dinner and you will surely feel the difference in your energy.

The phytochemicals in these foods are great for fighting cancer. Extensive research has proven this so there really is no excuse for you to doubt it.

Chow down on Wheat Breads, Beans and Bananas!
In every diet plan, you will always see these foods. They not only fill you up fast, they also provide different nutrients, vitamins and minerals. These foods are usually minimally processed which means lesser sugar too.

Choose wheat bread over white bread or choose old bran over your normal sweet cereals. Do yourself a favor and this too will increase you body's immunity and resistance to diseases and will give you that extra boost in energy and you will lose you unwanted fat at the same time.

Eat Less Red Meat and Remember To Cook Them Well Enough
Yes, I have to apologize, this is the worst thing to hear if you aren't vegan. Studies have proven that the risk dramatically increases if you eat more than 1 serving of red meat per day. Red meat includes pork, beef and the likes. The best way is to pick a substitute. Chicken, fish meat, or just substitute with vegetables or even pasta are the best ways to go.

Also, cooking meat in high temperatures or direct flame induces chemical reactions. Oil and fat form new compounds that stick to the surface of the meat.

Reduce your risk of cancer by eating less meat, specifically those that are charred or just over cooked. Eating them most of the time will really increase your risk of stomach and colorectal cancers.

An alternative solution is to grill vegetables or just pick lean meats. Cut off the fat before cooking too. Focus on turning the meat over and over with tongs so you don't puncture the meat. Also, try broiling rather than pan frying meat. If you really want to pan fry, precook the meat by boiling or steaming before doing it so you will spend less time frying it.

One more thing about meats, especially processed, cured meats like cold cuts and hotdogs. Eat them moderately and do not make them a part of your daily diet.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake
Now you are really going to hate me but this is what the studies show. Alcohol consumption moderately increases your body's chance of developing colorectal cancer.

Over the years that I have researched about this, eating a healthy, balanced diet daily is really the best way to fight colorectal cancer.

Prevention is always the better way. Do not wait until it's too late. Beat Colon Cancer today.

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