How to Stop Cancer Ebook

Brain Cancer - Can A Person Catch it?

INTRODUCTION: Brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in patients younger than age 35. Primary brain cancer starts in the brain while Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the body and moves to the brain. Primary brain cancer rarely spreads beyond the central nervous system, and death results from uncontrolled tumor growth within the limited space of the skull. Metastatic (spreading) brain cancer indicates advanced disease and has a poor prognosis.

In the United States, the yearly incidence of this disease generally is 15 tO 20 cases per 100,000 people. Primary brain tumors account for 50% of intracranial tumors and secondary brain cancer accounts for the rest. The yearly incidence of primary brain cancer in children is about 3 per 100,000. Secondary brain cancer occurs in 20 to 30 percent of patients with metastatic disease and incidences grow with advancing age. In the United States, about 100,000 cases of secondary brain cancer are diagnosed per annum.

SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of a brain tumor can vary greatly from patient to patient. They usually develop over time and their characteristics depend on the location and size of the tumor. Those produced by a tumor of the meninges (meningioma) depend on which area of the brain is being compressed. They include headaches, as well as problems with vision. Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure may also be seen and Nausea,Vomiting, and Headaches are also common symptoms.

TYPES: As previously stated above there are two types of brain tumors: primary brain tumors that originate in the brain and metastatic (secondary) brain tumors that originate from cancer cells that have migrated from other parts of the body to the brain. Both types take up space in the brain and may cause serious symptoms.

RISKS: Patients with a history of melanoma, lung, breast, colon, or kidney cancer are at risk for secondary brain cancer. Exposure to vinyl chloride is an environmental risk factor for the disease. People who work in these plants or live in close proximity to them have an increased risk for brain cancer. Patients who have received radiation therapy to the head as part of prior treatment for other malignancies are also at an increased risk for new tumors.

Life involves some risk, and no data will ever be perfect. It is impossible to rule out every small risk. Also, small risks that require millions of people to be exposed or years of exposure cannot be studied until after a product has been put on the market and is actually being used by millions of people.

TREATMENT: A histologic examination is neccessary for determining the right treatment and the correct prognosis. Treatment depends age, the stage of the cancer, the type and position of the tumor , and whether the cancer is a primary tumor or brain metastases.

Treatment usually involves a combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Surgery is the usual treatment for accessible primary brain tumors, providing the patient is in otherwise good health. The main treatment option for single metastatic tumors is to surgically remove it, followed by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. The treatment plan is developed by doctors of oncology and the patient. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is in deciding about your cancer treatment.

CONCLUSION: Brain cancer has a wide variation of symptoms including seizures, sleepiness, confusion, and behavioral changes. There are 2 main types of brain cancer. Drastic and often life-threatening complications can develop. Signs of brain and spinal cord tumors usually develop slowly and worsen with time unless they are treated.

Statistics suggest that brain cancer is not rare and will probably develop in about 20,000 people OR more each year. Those with risk factors such as having a job in an oil refinery, as a chemist, embalmer, or rubber-industry worker show higher occurences of the disease. Some families have several members with the disease, but heredity as a cause has not been proven. Other risk factors such as smoking, radiation exposure, and viral infection (HIV) have been suggested but not proven as a cause for brain cancer. There is no scientific evidence that brain cancer is contagious, caused by head trauma, or by the use cell phone (Yet).

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