How to Stop Cancer Ebook

Cancer Facts Information and Treatments

The world can look bleak and harsh sometimes. While various aspects of life are phenomenal, there are of course a few that produce grief and sorrow. I guess we all have to accept the good with the bad. After all, we'll never know how it is to live in a perfect world. One aspect of life as we know it is disease. You can't imagine the despair caused by cancer. Millions of persons are affected with this disease and it's in the gene pool unfortunately. Therefore, is there anyway to prevent cancer completely. You can try your best to live healthy and stay fit, but it won't absolutely avoid the big C. One thing you could do is to find as much cancer information as possible. The more you know, the better off you are.

My aunt and her husband both died from cancer. They resided on a farm where pesticides continually polluted their drinking water. I know what you're thinking; this is not the first time this happened. I'm sure others have been affected in this very same way. When I think about it it's sad, because a good search in cancerinformation could have prevented this tragedy. Knowledge can truly save your life. As far as my aunt and her husband were concerned, they simply found out too late.

What I have trouble understanding is how they didn't know they were at risk. Fields around their house were frequently sprayed with chemicals and they drank water from their well. Not city water. It baffles me to this day. In the 1990s, this sort of cancer information was available. They just had to observe their position. Something that's nearly impossible not to do these days.

Read all you can and find out about different causes of cancer. That cancer information you obtain today can truly save your butt in the future. Some things I found out a few years ago were to eat organic foods, keep away from processes foods, and steer clear of inks and dyes on paper towels when using them for cooking. There are various little things which can help. The more evident cancer information is to stop smoking, chewing tobacco and heavy drinking. All of which lead to certain forms of cancer. Read more about this persistent disease now. A healthy way of life is certainly crucial in preventing cancer and other diseases.

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Survival Statistics Of Cancer

Facts that you should know about Cancer Survival Statistics?

Cancer survival statistics can be either good or bad. Just like any other statistics, it express probability. It estimate the average cancer patients who will survive regardless of their personal conditions.

As stated by Sen. Mitch McConnell on Health-Care Reform

Senate Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"One thing most people like about health care in the U.S. is the quality of cancer care that's available here. Far too many Americans die from cancer. Yet for all the problems we have, the fact is, America boasts some of the highest cancer survival rates in the world".

How you take care of your health before and after cancer, has a great impact in the prognosis of the disease. A woman who regularly examine her breast and have regular mammograms, will likely to survive cancer.The earlier it is diagnosed and treated, the higher the chance of survival.

Cancer can be terrifying at first, but living in fear will not bring you anywhere. It is extremely important to overcome your fear to be able to survive. Understanding cancer survival can be helpful in controlling your fears. It will not minimize the treatment a patient will be going through, but a positive attitude can make a difference.

Few breast conserving treatment (BCT) data include women older than 70, yet a study of 910 women being treated by BCT for stage I"II breast cancer, when all patients received Radiotherapy (RT) found that a 65 month follow up found that a second cancer occurred in only 5.6 percent of cases. Six hundred and seventy six percent of cases were in complete remission (74.3%), 22 were evaluative (2.4%). 206 patients died (22.6%). The results of this study concluded that those that needed more aggressive treatment had been identified.

Improving cancer survival statistics is never far from reach. It is a serious disease but can be defeat. Your type of cancer, your environment, your diet, your lifestyle and everything you do has a great impact on your cancer survival statistics.

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Can Mobile Phone Towers Cause Cancer?

The us food and drug administration offers the following info to people nervous about the protection of cellular telephone towers : The electromagnetic RF signals broadcast from base station antennas stations travel toward the horizon in comparatively narrow trails.

For instance, the radiation pattern for an antenna array mounted on a tower can be compared to a thin pancake targeted round the antenna system. The individual pattern for a single array of sector antennas is wedge-shaped, like a chunk of pie.

As with all forms of electronic energy, the power decreases quickly as one moves away from the antenna. RF exposure on the ground is much less than exposure really near to the antenna and in the trail of the broadcast radio signal. In reality, ground-level exposure from such antennas is sometimes thousands of times less than the exposure levels advised as safe by expert associations. So exposure to nearby residents would be well inside safety margins.

Cellular and personal communications service base stations in the U. S. Are required to obey boundaries for exposure counseled by expert affiliations and advocated by state agencies in charge of H&S. Measurements made near cellular and computers base station antennas mounted on towers have confirmed that ground-level exposures are often thousands of times less than the exposure boundaries adopted by the fed communications commission.

In reality, to be exposed to levels at or close to the F.C.C. boundaries for cellular or computers frequencies an individual would fundamentally have to stay in the main broadcast radio signal ( at the peak of the antenna ) and inside a few feet from the antenna. This is, naturally, terribly improbable to happen. When cellular and Computers antennas are mounted on rooftops, RF levels on that roof or on others near by would most likely be bigger than those often encountered on the ground.

However, exposure levels approaching or surpassing safety guiding principles should be encountered only awfully close to or without delay in front of the antennas. In addition, for sector-type antennas, generally used for such rooftop base stations, RF levels to the side and in back of these antennas are insignificant. General guiding principles on antenna installations and circumstances that might give rise to a concern about a facility's conformance with FCC rules can be discovered in A Local Presidency Official's Guide to broadcasting Antenna RF Emission Safety : Rules, Procedures, and Practical Steering . This Guide can be accessed online at :

Do cellular telephone towers cause Any other health problems?

While raised levels of radio frequency waves could cause a warming of tissues, cellular phone towers don't yield exposure at levels sufficient to cause this effect. There's no proof in printed systematic reports that cell telephone towers cause any other health issues.

What does one Do If I have had exposure to cellular telephone towers? As observed above, cell telephone towers pose tiny risk under standard conditions.

There's no test to determine whether you've been exposed to RF radiation from cellular telephone towers. However, if there's a cellular phone tower mounted near your house or office, you can ask a presidency agency or personal firm to determine the radio frequency field strength close to the tower to make sure that it is in the acceptable range. If you have extra health worries, please see your doctor.

The Bottom Line is cellular telephone towers, like cellphones themselves, are a comparatively new technology, and we don't yet have full info on health effects. Particularly, not sufficient time has elapsed to allow epidemiological studies. There are some unproven reasons why cellular telephone towers would not be anticipated to extend cancer risk, and animal studies of RF have not advised a chance of cancer. Folk who are concerned can request measurements of RF near cellular telephone towers to be certain exposures don't surpass advocated boundaries.

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What Are The Prostate Cancer Causes Among Men?

Every year, more that 27,000 people are diagnosed with prostate cancer in the US only. As this disease affects men worldwide, it is said that this is the type of cancer that most commonly hits men worldwide.

Before dealing with the causes of prostate cancer you should first understand that testosterone does not by itself cause prostate cancer. However, if you do have prostate cancer, the male hormone will feed it thus contributing to its growth. This fact is often used in some kinds of prostate cancer treatments.

The most obvious and most natural risk factor is age. Men under 50 years old are rarely diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is strongly recommended that men who are in their fifties do have a test carried out. Most men of and over 100 years old have prostate cancer.

Genetics are important risk factors when it comes to prostate cancer. If one parent (1st degree relationship such as brother or father) has been diagnosed of prostate cancer, you are much more at risk. Scientists believe that it is the HPC1, HPC2 and HPCX genes that transmit this disease and are closely studying them. If several women in your family have been diagnosed of breast cancer, it could imply that you have inherited of a defective gene making you more at risk.

There is also an ethnic factor associated with prostate cancer. It has been proved that prostate cancer is more common in black American people than Asians. Those who descend from African people are also much more exposed to prostate cancer.

The diet is also a cause of prostate cancer in men though more studies are being carried out nowadays. On one hand, diets which contain many fats such as red meat could lead to prostate cancer. On the other hand, diets which are mainly composed of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially tomatoes, diminish the risk of getting prostate cancer.

Moreover, it is said that having recourse to a vasectomy might also cause prostate cancer. While some studies have proved it, others have rejected this idea.

The number of treatments and remedies available for prostate cancer keep on increasing daily. Start by informing yourself about the different available options and consult your medical doctor and/or herbalist.

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Prostate Cancer Treatment - What Kind of Drugs Are Used To Treat Prostate Cancer

Doctors will try different medications before referring you to a medical oncologist. If you are referred to one that would imply that your prostate cancer has reached an advanced stage. They would then be speaking about Chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy will destroy the cancer cells by interfering with their growth and reproduction. Chemotherapy can be performed either by administering drugs or by performing surgical operations. In some cases, it could be a combination of these two. Chemotherapy can in some cases be very effective the prostate cancer but will not cure it.

The known side-effects are chemotherapy are nausea, hair losses and mouth sores. A new technique called fractionated dose will diminish those side-effects.

Two common chemotherapy drugs are Mitoxantrone as well as Corticosteroids. The other drugs that are used for chemotherapy are rednisone, Paclitaxel and Docetaxel. The final brand which is becoming more and more popular is Estramustine.

Doctors will usually advice you to undergo a surgical operation. You will then be given some medications to take. Many studies have shown that this combination reduces the pains experienced by men to a great extent especially if the prostate cancer has spread to the bones. As explained before, the cancer will not totally disappear nor will you live longer.

Let us examine some other medications that are used and how they function:

Doxorubicin is an anti-tumor antibiotic which works by damaging the nuclei of cells.

Paclitaxel is a member of the Taxane group which functions by fastening the microtubules of cells and thus causing the cells to crumble during division.

Etoposide functions by slowing down the process of mitosis in cancerous cells.

Vinblastine is an antineoplastic which breaks apart cell division and is derived from the Madagascar periwinkle.

The use of chemotherapy in prostate cancer is still being studied and men who do have recourse to chemotherapy are strongly encouraged to discuss with their doctors about experimental trials.

Your oncologist will inform you of the benefits and drawbacks to of the different drugs described above. So do seek medical advice too and you would be in a better position to decide according to your own health and your personal values.

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Prostate Cancer Information

The purpose of this article is to describe very briefly the prostate gland; its functions and potential diseases associated with it.

General Prostate Cancer Information - about half the population has a prostate gland but how many people actually know what it is? What it does? And what conditions can affect the prostate?

The prostate is found in all males in the mammal category of the animal world, including humans. It makes up a part of the reproductive system of the male and is an exocrine gland. This means it secretes the fluid it makes into ducts. The prostates function in life is to produce, store and secrete a clear fluid during moments of orgasm. This fluid helps carry the sperm out of the body and makes up about one third of the volume expelled during ejaculation.

The prostate is located at the outlet of the bladder and surrounds the urethra (tube your urines passes through); it also sits against the outer wall of the rectum.

Disorders associated with the prostate


Normally affecting men who are more senior in age, Amyloid (known as Corpora amylacea) is a dense collection of calcified protein based matter that collects in the prostates ducts making it difficult for the prostate to release fluid.

This condition can also mean there are other underlying issues in the prostate region.


Prostatitis is a build up of inflammation in the prostate, over time the inflammation can make the prostate swell in size causing the tubes carrying urine to become blocked making it difficult and painful to urinate, if urination is possible at all.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Similar to Prostatis, Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the name given to a condition where the prostate becomes enlarged, this is not caused by inflammation but can be a natural occurrence over time and mainly affects the older male population.

This condition can block the urinary tubes or stop urination being possible all together.

Prostate cancer

For you to possess prostate cancer information is critical to you if you are male and over 50. Prostate cancer is the most dangerous of all prostate problems and is the most common cancer affecting older men. Prostate cancer is also a condition that can kill quite easily; this is because the cancerous cells flourish and multiple out of control, moving into other part of the body like the bones and nearby internal tissue.

The most common symptoms associated with prostate cancer are that it can cause pain in the lower abdominal region during urination, difficulty urinating and cause a lack of ability to gain an erection. There are many other symptoms involved with prostate cancer, but they are more subtle.


It is commonly suggested that men who are more senior in age should have regular rectal exams from their doctor so the prostate can be checked. As mentioned earlier, the prostate sits against the outer wall of the rectum.

For those who are younger in age it is important that they are educated about the affects the prostate has on the body. If we can educate the younger generation it will mean that greater emphasis is given to finding a cure and make it easier for men to stop suffering in silence.

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Prostate Cancer Risk Factors

The exact cause of this disease has not yet been discovered. No one can explain why one man develops prostate problems along with cancer and the other man does not. Cancer cannot be caught from another person. It is not contagious. However, there are some risk factors that make it more likely for some men to develop this disease.

Age is the number one cause of prostate cancer. It is rare to find a man under the age of 40 to have the disease. The chances of that happening are 1 in 10,000! As a man grows older, his risk factors rise dramatically. Most men who develop the disease are over the age of 65.

Family history is another risk factor for prostate cancer. If a man has a father or brother who has had the disease, he is more likely to develop it. Race is another deciding factor. This dosease is found in more African-American men than white or Hispanic men. Asian and American Indian men have a smaller risk of developing this disease.

A little known risk of developing prostate cancer is men with prostate cells called (PIN) prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. These cells look abnormal under a microscope and men with these cells are considered high risk.

Diet is another factor is deciding who develops prostate cancer. Scientists have proved that those men who have diets rich in fats and red meats are more at risk of developing cancer. Men who have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables have been shown to have a lower risk of developing this disease.

This is just a few of the prostate cancer risk factors but the good news is you can control some of them. Obviously you cannot control your race, or your family history and you cannot stop the aging process. You can help yourself by changing your dietary habits and taking better care of your body.

Scientists who have studied prostate cancer are looking at possible links between the disease and smoking, lack of exercise, obesity and a virus passed through sexual intercourse. All of these are being studied and with no final conclusion, at this time. Scientists are also studying a link between vasectomies and prostate cancer. At this time, this link has not been proven.

Most men who have risk factors like the ones listed above do not mean you will get prostate cancer. Men who do get this disease often do not have any risk factors except their age. One in three men are likely to develop prostate problems or cancer whether they have more than one risk factor or not.

If you think you may have a high risk for developing prostate cancer or have symptoms of the disease, you should talk with your doctor. Your doctor may suggest you see an urologist who specializes in urinary problems and problems with the male reproductive organs. They should be up-to-date with all the newest information, research, and treatment plans for thils disease.

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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Prostate cancer is the second largest of all cancer related deaths in males; the only cancer that causes more deaths annually is lung cancer.

To stand a chance of combating the disease, it is important to have an early prostate cancer diagnosis. By having this early knowledge, the medical professionals have a better chance of containing the condition. They may be able to stop the cancerous cells from spreading to other parts of the body. At the same time, they will be working to eradicate the illness altogether.

Before testing or performing a prostate cancer diagnosis, a person needs to realize that there is a problem and then seek medical advice. Signs of the problem may initially come in the form of pains while urinating, having difficulty passing urine, passing blood in the urine, urinating more frequently or having difficulty gaining and maintaining a full erection.

Once a person has seen there is a problem and looked for more medical help, the medical professionals will have to perform tests to find out if the problem is prostate cancer or another condition, these test can be carried out in a number of ways.

Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)

The prostate is located at the point where the urethra leaves the bladder, and it also sits against the outer wall of the rectum about 5 centimeters inside the anus.

Because of the location of the prostate a good examination can be made through the rectum, this is done by a medical professional who will use a well lubricated glove to insert a digit (otherwise known as a finger), into the anus and feel the inner wall of the rectum. By doing this they can actually feel the rear of the prostate located on the other side. Although it is only the rear of the prostate that can be checked it has been reported that 85% of all prostate cancers originate from this part of the prostate.

If the medical professional feels any unusual lumps or bumps it means they may ask the person to have further tests.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

The prostate specific antigen test is a simple blood test, which is taken and tested for levels of the prostate specific antigen enzyme. By finding out the levels of PSA the medical professionals can see what the risk of cancer is. Below is a list of PSA levels and risks associated

PSA levels of 4 nanograms or less per milliliter is a positive indicator.

PSA levels above 4 nanograms per milliliter is a risk of prostate cancer.

PSA levels above 10 nanograms per milliliter extremely high risk of prostate cancer.

There are flaws with this test though because as a man grows older the levels of prostate specific antigens increase naturally, which is taken into account by the medical professionals, also a large proportion of men with high PSA levels do not have prostate cancer and likewise a proportion of men with prostate cancer have low PSA levels.

Confirming the prostate cancer diagnosis

If the medical professionals believe there is a chance of cancer they will request that you have a biopsy, where a small tissue sample from the prostate is taken. To take a biopsy of the prostate the medical professional will put a tiny needle gun in the anus and press it against the wall of the rectum where a hollow needle will pass through the wall of the rectum into the prostate and take a sample. This procedure is not very painful and is routinely done on an outpatient basis.

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How To Easily Defeat Prostate Cancer

I know you might have just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, but don't let it be the end for you. I want to tell you that as scary as it seems, it's not the end for you. It's a very terrible illness, I agree, but lots of people all over the world have survived it. If they could survive it, you can as well.

I know of people, personally, who have had the worse prognosis but they eventually survived it. It's really surprising. One of such persons is the celebrated American motivational speaker - Les Brown. He is a 10+ years prostate cancer conquerer.

When he was diagonsed with prostate cancer, the doctors gave him a 2 to 3 years limited prognosis. Did he believe them and go home to lie down dead? Of course not! He didn't believe them. He believed in himself and his God-given ability to heal himself.

He first got started by looking for people that have survived prostate cancer in the past, then he tried to learn from them what made them to survive it. With all the information at his disposal, he took action. He took all the actions necessary to survive the prostate cancer. He got involved in all that he learnt could help him survive the prostate cancer.

And best of all, he had the strong mindset that he was going to survive it. In other words, he believed it so strongly that he would have been shocked if he didn't survive the prostate cancer. Surviving it was all he had in his mind, almost every time of the day. And indeed he survived it.

If you also want to survive prostate cancer, you can take the same steps that Les Brown took. Take the time to first find out those people who have survived it and ask them for what they did to survive it. Thankfully the Internet is there for you to use in your research. You can find people who have survived prostate cancer using the Internet. There are also forums out there on the Internet of prostate cancer patients and survivors who might have words of encouragement and strategies that they can teach you to survive prostate cancer.

I tell you the truth, friend - if you believe you CAN survive prostate cancer, you can survive it. As much as it's a deadly killer disease, it can't kill you unless and until you give up. Keep your head up and stay open and I am very certain you can survive it. After all, you have precedence of other people that have survived it. So, it CAN be done and you CAN do it.

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Do You Know The Symptoms Of Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is more easily treated than most other cancers. However, your chances improve if you find and monitor the cancer quickly. Skin cancer may metastasize and spread to other organs, greatly increasing your probability of dying, if it isn't discovered and treated. So you need to learn as much as you can about skin cancer's signs and potential effects.
The best thing you can do is monitor your skin closely and do a self-examination test monthly. By doing so, you can promptly notice if there are any visible changes in your skin at the early stages of skin cancer.
You should be watching for sudden growths on your skin that are asymmetrical in appearance. The borders of a skin cancer growth can be indistinguishable and it might have an uneven surface. A skin cancer can also be a brown, black, tan, white, red or blue color or a multitude of colors. If you notice a growth like this has made a sudden appearance you should have it checked out by your doctor immediately.
You should make special note of any cuts or wounds that don't heal, because these are possible signs of skin cancer. Several different kinds of skin cancer are known. You should have an idea of what each type looks like so that you can determine if you have any of them. If you are not certain, talk to your doctor about any odd skin growths or wounds that you encounter on your body.
Skin cancer is dangerous because it can spread to other parts of the body if it is not treated. Cancers that spread to multiple body parts are much more likely to be lethal. Skin cancer can spread rapidly once the cancerous cells are within other organs. By learning more about skin cancer and how to spot warning signs, people can better prepare themselves to prevent and minimize the associated risks. Through proper training, a self examination can help to recognize early symptoms of melanoma, and can be done by anybody in the privacy of their own home.
Skin cancer is a preventable condition that can be easily treated. You should do all that you can to prevent skin cancer by protecting your skin whenever you are exposed to sunlight. Overexposure to sun is one of the leading causes of skin cancer. Whenever you are out in the sun you should make sure to wear a sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least fifteen.
Whenever you are directly exposed to the sun, use caps and wear protective clothing to reduce the sun's harmful rays. This should be the case not only in summer but throughout the year. Overexposure to the sun can be harmful in any season, but now you have a greater understanding of the potential harm and can better identify the symptoms and dangers of skin cancer.

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Prostate Cancer Symptoms: Early Detection could be a Challenge

Men would not know they have prostate cancer unless the symptoms start showing. Especially during the early stages, this disease is almost free of prostate cancer symptoms . That is what makes it extra dangerous because nobody can treat it early unless it gets detected early, too. So, a regular checkup is recommended especially for men aged 50 years and up.

The most effective way to detect the cancer is through the measurement of the prostate-specific antigen or PSA. This is a protein serum that is naturally produced by the prostate gland . Normal men have small amounts of this in their prostates. Cancer cells in the prostate can produce 10 times more PSA and so, the excess gets into the bloodstream and therefore can be measured through blood test. When PSA is high, there may not be any prostate cancer symptoms, but there could be something wrong with the prostate.

The prostate cancer symptoms appear depending on the severity of the cancer or how far is it has spread. The early signs of this cancer involve a lot of problems concerning the urinary tract and urination.

When the prostate tumor grows, it blocks the bladder and causes an obstruction. The tissue that surrounds the prostate will prevent it from expanding further and that prompts the prostate gland to put some pressure on the urethra. Take note though, that a lot of the urinary symptoms may not root from the cancer, but from benign prostatic hyperglycemia BPH) or other infections on the prostate.

About 5 percent of prostate cancer patients showed urinary problems as their first prostate cancer symptoms. These urinary symptoms are:

- Difficulty in urinating
- Starting and stopping of urination
- Weak stream
- Strained feeling while urinating

Cancerous signs include blood in the urine or blood in the semen. If the cancer has already reached the lymph nodes in the pelvic area, the man will experience inflammation in the legs and extreme discomfort in the pelvis. Advanced stages will exhibit the following prostate canter symptoms:

Pain in the bones that just would not stop
Fractures in the bones
Spine gets compressed

Aside from the prostate cancer symptoms, it will help to know who are most prone to getting the diseases. The risk factors for prostate cancer are age, ethnicity, family history, diet, and high levels of testosterone.

Men aged 50 up are likely to develop prostate cancer that is why they are touted to undergo PSA tests regularly. For some reason, ethnicity is also a risk factor. A lot of black men have higher risk of getting the prostate cancer cells. Now, if your father, brother, or grandfather has prostate cancer, the chances are great that you will also develop it.

Obese men and those that have high-fat diets are also prone to getting prostate cancer. Scientists theorize that fats help increase the levels of testosterone in men. These hormones are the ones that stimulate the cancer cells more than anything, so prostate cancer is highly possible. Since high levels of testosterone enhance the production of the cancer cells and the growth of the prostate gland, those who are undergoing testosterone therapies are in danger of developing the prostate cancer symptoms.

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Can Mobile Phone Towers Cause Cancer?

The us food and drug administration offers the following info to people nervous about the protection of cellular telephone towers : The electromagnetic RF signals broadcast from base station antennas stations travel toward the horizon in comparatively narrow trails.

For instance, the radiation pattern for an antenna array mounted on a tower can be compared to a thin pancake targeted round the antenna system. The individual pattern for a single array of sector antennas is wedge-shaped, like a chunk of pie.

As with all forms of electronic energy, the power decreases quickly as one moves away from the antenna. RF exposure on the ground is much less than exposure really near to the antenna and in the trail of the broadcast radio signal. In reality, ground-level exposure from such antennas is sometimes thousands of times less than the exposure levels advised as safe by expert associations. So exposure to nearby residents would be well inside safety margins.

Cellular and personal communications service base stations in the U. S. Are required to obey boundaries for exposure counseled by expert affiliations and advocated by state agencies in charge of H&S. Measurements made near cellular and computers base station antennas mounted on towers have confirmed that ground-level exposures are often thousands of times less than the exposure boundaries adopted by the fed communications commission.

In reality, to be exposed to levels at or close to the F.C.C. boundaries for cellular or computers frequencies an individual would fundamentally have to stay in the main broadcast radio signal ( at the peak of the antenna ) and inside a few feet from the antenna. This is, naturally, terribly improbable to happen. When cellular and Computers antennas are mounted on rooftops, RF levels on that roof or on others near by would most likely be bigger than those often encountered on the ground.

However, exposure levels approaching or surpassing safety guiding principles should be encountered only awfully close to or without delay in front of the antennas. In addition, for sector-type antennas, generally used for such rooftop base stations, RF levels to the side and in back of these antennas are insignificant. General guiding principles on antenna installations and circumstances that might give rise to a concern about a facility's conformance with FCC rules can be discovered in A Local Presidency Official's Guide to broadcasting Antenna RF Emission Safety : Rules, Procedures, and Practical Steering . This Guide can be accessed online at :

Do cellular telephone towers cause Any other health problems?

While raised levels of radio frequency waves could cause a warming of tissues, cellular phone towers don't yield exposure at levels sufficient to cause this effect. There's no proof in printed systematic reports that cell telephone towers cause any other health issues.

What does one Do If I have had exposure to cellular telephone towers? As observed above, cell telephone towers pose tiny risk under standard conditions.

There's no test to determine whether you've been exposed to RF radiation from cellular telephone towers. However, if there's a cellular phone tower mounted near your house or office, you can ask a presidency agency or personal firm to determine the radio frequency field strength close to the tower to make sure that it is in the acceptable range. If you have extra health worries, please see your doctor.

The Bottom Line is cellular telephone towers, like cellphones themselves, are a comparatively new technology, and we don't yet have full info on health effects. Particularly, not sufficient time has elapsed to allow epidemiological studies. There are some unproven reasons why cellular telephone towers would not be anticipated to extend cancer risk, and animal studies of RF have not advised a chance of cancer. Folk who are concerned can request measurements of RF near cellular telephone towers to be certain exposures don't surpass advocated boundaries.

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Famous People With Cancer

It has been named the dreaded C and many others. It is a disease that can test the faith of the ones faithful and scatter the small hope of those hopeless. It is a disease that does not discriminate and can care less for the person’s status in life. It is a disease that the world is fighting. It is cancer. To put it in simple words, cancer is an illness caused by a tumor. anyone can have cancer. Even the popular and prominent personalities go through the ins and outs of cancer. Here are four of courageous and popular stars that were diagnosed with cancer. Each one celebrities came out in the open and gave it their all while battling the life altering disease.

Christina Applegate is a very talented Hollywood actress that used to play of Kelly Bundy on the old TV series: Married With Children and now as Samantha Newly on the show, Samantha Who. Last August 2008, reports that Christina have breast cancer comes out over all mediums. Applegate's spokesperson confirmed the reports that Christina is diagnosed with breast cancer. The nice thing about the diagnosis was that it was caught in the begining stage. The problem was found on just one of her breasts but Christina underwent a double mastectomy operation within the same month. The star's mom is a cancer survivor Which means her disease is greatly on the hereditary side, she thought to act upon the dangerous threat as soon as she could. Applegate is now doing alright and will undergo reconstructive surgery very shorty.

Hailed as one of the best female pop singers, Sheryl Crow is also a songwriter, political activist and has nine Grammy Awards under her belt. The performer was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. As with Christina Applegate, the discovery was caught in the beginning stages. Crow underwent a lumpectomy, which is a surgery to remove the tumor in the breast. The singer also went through radiation treatment for nearly two months after the surgery. The artist has been cancer free since the surgery and is happily on her second year as a cancer survivor.

Christened as Francine Joy Drescher, Fran is hugely known all over as Fran Fine from her TV show, The Nanny. In 2000, Drescher was rushed to the hospital because of uterine cancer, a type of cancer where the tumor attacks the uterus of an individual. Her cancer, amazingly, was still in its first stage when the procedure to remove the tumor was made thus she didn’t go along with chemotherapy or radiation treatment. After seven years of being a cancer survivor, the fantastic star created an organization to assist others who are diagnosed with cancer. The name of the organization is Cancer Schmancer Movement.

The charming and famous Patrick Swayze... Guys envied his scene with Demi Moore in the movie, Ghost, and women went numb with his dancing moves in Dirty Dancing. No one can say that they don’t know Patrick Swayze. He is now fighting pancreatic cancer. He has been having chemotherapy and a operation to remove soiled areas of his stomach. His fight is far from being over but he’s still out there winning the fight. He recently gave a heartfelt speech at the Stand Up To Cancer 2008 event.

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What Can I Do to Prevent Actinic Keratosis and Skin Cancer

If you have small, scaly patches on your skin, you may have a serious condition called Actinic Keratosis. In most cases, it is considered precancerous, meaning leaving it untreated could lead to skin cancer. Following some key steps can improve your chances of preventing more keratoses and skin cancer down the road.
The first step is staying out of the sun whenever possible. Also, use sunscreen with SPF and cover up your skin with clothing if you must be in the sun. Finally, using a natural skincare product is very helpful in preventing more sun damage.
The most important step you can take to prevent further skin damage is to stay out of the sun as much as possible. Limit the amount of time you spend outside each day, even on a cloudy day. Remember, the sun is most powerful between 10am and 4pm, so try to stay inside if possible during those hours. Also, being at a higher altitude, or around snow, water, or ice, can intensify the sun's rays.
Actinic Keratosis Prevention:
It's helpful to use sunscreen and clothing to protect your skin if you can't stay indoors. Sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher are the most effective. Put on sunscreen 20-30 minutes before you go out into the sun. Don't enter the water immediately after putting on your sunscreen. Reapplication of sunscreen is essential, every 1-2 hours, even on cloudy days. Don't forget - apply sunscreen to your lips too!
Protective clothing is also helpful to shield your skin from the sun. Wearing long sleeved shirts, pants, sunglasses, and hats will help protect you from sun damage. The tighter the weave of the clothing, the more protected your skin will be. Also, wide brimmed hats will help shield your face and neck from the sun's damage.
Another great way to take care of your skin and prevent harmful damage from the sun is to use a skin care cream. Research on actinic keratosis shows that effective skin creams can peel away the existing keratosis and reveal new, healthier cells. Creams using trichloroacetic acid for actinic keratosis can help peel away the skin lesions and allow new, healthy skin to form.

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The Perils of Thyroid Cancer

A lump or a node that appears on any part of the human body should not be taken for granted. It is a known fact that these could be a cause for concern and for all intents and purposes, cancerous in a sense. Without a doubt, they point to either an infection or an inflammatory reaction for some part of the human body, and leaving them unattended to may become critical at some point, going to the extent of even aggravating something that is needed to be checked for the cause of such.

Most people today enumerate the various known diseases they are exposed to. Ranging from the usual heart and neurological problems that have been reported one after the other, it is no secret as well, that most found ailments and issues have cropped up at one point or another. Thyroid is not a new disease for most people, and is more common in women. Not given much weight compared to that of the usually concerning health conditions, if thyroid diseases are not dealt with accordingly, this may lead to one of the more feared illnesses that of which is cancer. People are aware of how cancer can slowly punish and eventually kill a person, and this approach should be done in the same way that thyroids are treated. Most people would have a high tolerance for pain, but this is only temporary in nature, and if not neither addressed nor given the proper medical attention may lead to a more complicated health issue that may not reach the point of being treatable. This is belief is common to most diseases, and there is no exception to the fact that leaving such matters unresolved will go away by itself. Pain may go away for a certain period, but the fact remains that traces of such diseases will remain in the blood stream and may strike at any given time due to improper containment of the said disease.

It is easy to spot when something is wrong. Aside from feeling weird, or having issues that are abnormal in the sense that they do not adhere to the normal ways of going on with life, such symptoms should readily be consulted with the doctor while they are in the early stages. Health just like food should not be left hanging. It is important to move on, earn a living to be able to sustain the various needs a person requires to be able to exist. But such things will become for naught, if the health of such an individual is taken for granted, and once conditions are set along the line for him to be able to perform these said tasks.

Thyroid illnesses have been time and again mistaken for other disease and vice versa. Immediate assessments will not show thyroid as the significant sign for complaints made by patients, and only in tests will there be a telling factor for doctors to determine the possibility of such an illness that may be present. The symptoms shown are no doubt misleading, and will surely be tagged to other known diseases or illnesses. Without question, consistency shall be a conflict to be considered in such cases and medical attention to an extent should be thoroughly re evaluated for the sake of the patient.

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Breast Cancer Isn't Always Detected With The Naked Eye

In North America, the incidence of Breast Cancer has increase almost three-fold in 40 years, going from 1 in 20 in the 1960’s to 1 in 8 today. From the age of twenty, women should do monthly breast self-examinations. Breast cancers tend to grow significantly faster in younger women under age 50. Despite billions of dollars raised for research to "Find the Cure," the risk of breasts cancer today is greater than ever before. It's critically important for women to take charge of their health through these screenings and to understand that survivability is greatly enhanced when breast cancer is found early.

Because when it comes to breast health, knowledge is more than power–it’s confidence. Women can help with the early detection and treatment of breast cancer by playing an active role in their own health care. While there are some different recommendations from medical organizations on the value of breast self-exams, all women's health organizations agree about the value of annual clinical breast exams, and the importance of regular mammograms after the age of 40. Breast health is more than just luck, genetics, where you live or what you eat.

Staying healthy is a challenge that engages our body, mind, and spirit. No matter what your age or position in life, understanding the connection between a healthy lifestyle and healthy breasts is vitally important. Breast health is on a continuum with normal healthy breast tissue at one end and cancer at the other. You can certainly go from no pathology to cancer and you can slide down the continuum and never develop breast cancer, but not accepting unhealthy changes in your breasts is proactive and may very well prevent cancer. Also, you may lower your risk of breast cancer by living a healthy lifestyle, including eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet and exercising.

Most people are familiar with the antioxidant process, and many include this in there daily routines, but not many are aware that this is just the first step to a healthy body. Antioxidants are beneficial because they affix themselves to free radicals while absorbing the elements before they have the ability to infiltrate healthy normal tissues. It is in everyone's health interests, to include regular daily amounts of the best antioxidants in their diets, in support of healthy lifestyles.

Only 10% of breast health issues are attributed to family genes, the higher percentage due to environmental, dietary or lifestyle issues. Antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage -- the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases. Antioxidants are key elements in preventing cancer, because they stabilize highly reactive free radicals that can otherwise damage our DNA and begin the process of cancer development.

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Gil Lederman on Non-Invasive Cancer Treatment

Gil Lederman on Stereotactic Body Radiosurgery
Dr. Gil Lererman's team of experts who first pioneered Fractionated Stereotactic Body Radiosurgery in the Western Hemisphere have tremendous experience treating many kinds of primary and metastatic cancers. This experience is unparalleled.

Yet for each patient, the circumstances are unique. Each patient has a particular kind of cancer and a particular history when coming to Radiosurgery New York. Each patient has a specific site or sites of disease. Prior treatment, sensitivities to agents and procedures are significant factors which must be taken into account. Patient and family preference is important. Therefore, while this article talks about the beauty of Stereotactic Radiosurgery - it is not for everyone. If you have an interest in Stereotactic Body Radiosurgery - even if you have had prior chemotherapy, surgery or radiation - you may wish to discuss your case directly with the doctors at Radiosurgery New York. They are the experts.

The physicians at Radiosurgery New York, the premiere cancer treatment center in NY, have the experience and knowledge in the field to help guide the patient. Of course, each person deciding on cancer treatment goes through an intensive informed consent process which describes the risks, benefits and alternatives of therapy. Only after this procedure does the patient make their final, informed decision. The attractiveness of Stereotactic Radiosurgery is the greater precision with which it is delivered compared to standard treatment, the ability to escalate the dose of radiation and to minimize the volume of healthy tissue that receives the prescribed or full dose of radiation. Because of the precision and dose escalation, fewer treatments in less time often can be offered.

Hypo-Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery offers a new approach in the treatment and re-treatment of primary and metastatic cancers. Stereotactic Radiosurgery allows a greater degree of precision and targeting of the radiation beam than traditional radiation. Greater precision is accomplished by use of our Stereotactic frame and sophisticated treatment planning. Our experience is critical. Stereotactic Radiosurgery allows us more confidence in delivery of treatment and greater likelihood of decreasing the radiation field, thus reducing radiation exposure to healthy tissue.

Further, Hypo-Fractionation means fewer doses of such radiation is given but each one has greater intensity - which should mean greater effectiveness based upon known radio-biologic principles. Thus, select patients have the potential advantage of Stereotactic Radiosurgery combined with the treatment benefits of Hypo-fractionated therapy.

Since Stereotactic Radiosurgery is so different from standard radiation, chemotherapy or surgery, a separate definition of tumor control has been developed over the years. Tumor control means that the area - or tumor - that has been targeted will possibly cease to grow and that further treatment to that area will be unnecessary. The likelihood of local control is very high with Stereotactic Radiosurgery. This number usually ranges from 80 to 85%, depending on the type of cancer, volume and location.... This high level of control in the targeted field usually remains for the rest of the patient's life. Of course, 80 or 85% is not 100% and failure can occur. Nothing is guaranteed in life - this we all know. Also local tumor control is not the same as cure.

That is why we ask for follow-up diagnostic scans on a regular basis. We also ask for scans to evaluate other parts of the body. Usually, these scans are done on a regular basis and can be done sooner depending on the patient's needs and symptoms. Thus, while Stereotactic Radiosurgery is not for every patient - we decline to treat approximately one-half of the potential patients who apply - we believe for selected patients, there is great appeal. More intense treatment locally, smaller fields of radiation (so healthy tissues receive lesser amounts of radiation) and higher doses per fraction means, in general, less treatments but with higher control rates! This article discusses the benefits in brief.

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What is Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)?

There are two types of lung cancer; small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). SCLC is believed to account for around 20% of all lung cancer diagnosis. This type of cancer develops when the small cells of the lung start to grow in a rapid and uncontrolled way. Eventually this leads to the formation of a malignant (cancerous) tumour in these cells. SCLC is often referred to as oat cell carcinoma because the small cells of the lung look similar to oats. In this article I will be discussing SCLC in greater detail.

There are actually three types of small cell lung cancer; small cell carcinoma, mixed small cell/large cell carcinoma and combined small cell carcinoma. In each type the cancer cells grow and spread in different ways.

1) SMALL CELL CARCINOMA:- This is the most common form of SCLC representing around 95% of all cases. This name is given when the cancer only affects the small cells of the lung.

2) MIXED SMALL CELL/LARGE CELL CARCINOMA:- This is a less common sub-type of SCLC accounting for 4%-6% of all cases. It occurs when the characteristics of both small cell lung carcinoma and large cell carcinoma (a type of NSCLC) are present. This sub-type is resistant to both chemotherapy and radiation.

3) COMBINED SMALL CELL CARCINOMA:- This is the least common sub-type of SCLC and accounts for approximately 1% of all cases. It occurs when the small cell carcinoma combines with either squamous cell carcinoma (a type of NSCLC that develops in the cells lining the airways) and/or adenocarcinoma (a type of NSCLC that develops in the mucus producing cells).

Smoking is the leading risk factor for small cell lung cancer and is thought to be responsible for over 90% of SCLC occurrences. However, exposure to other substances including asbestos, radon and uranium are also thought to increase your risk for this type of cancer.

Since SCLC affects your lungs the symptoms associated with this type of cancer are linked to this area of the body. Some of the most common small cell lung cancer symptoms include a regular cough, breathlessness, chest pain and coughing up mucus or blood. If you notice any of these symptoms you should go see your doctor right away and explain your concerns. They will then be able to perform a number of tests and if necessary start you on a SCLC treatment plan.

Most people are unaware of the different types of lung cancer. Although small cell lung cancer is the less common of the two types it is still very dangerous and can prove fatal if ignored. I hope this article has given you a better understanding of small cell lung cancer. If you have any concerns regarding this condition then go and see your doctor right away. They will be able to provide you with their professional opinion and give you the best advice possible.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Small cell lung cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

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GPCRs: Exploring New Paradigms

As one of the largest and most diverse protein families in nature, the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily play important roles in a variety of biological and pathological processes such as development and proliferation, neuromodulation, angiogenesis, metabolic disorders, inflammation, and viral infection. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most targeted protein families in pharmaceutical research today (Schlyer 2006).

All members of this superfamily share a similar seven transmembrane domain, but are grouped on the basis of shared sequence motifs into the following broad classes:

Class A Rhodopsin-like
Class B Secretin-like
Class C Metabotropic glutamate/pheromone
Class D Fungal pheromone
Class E cAMP receptors
Vomeronasal receptors

The pharmaceutical industry has focused on development of modulators to this protein family, but GPCRs also represent an attractive target as biomarkers. Recent studies have implicated endothelin receptors, chemokine receptors and lysophosphatidic acid receptors in tumorgenesis and metastasis, and a recent in silico analysis found a number of GPCRs that were up-regulated in various cancers which suggests not only targets of therapeutic value, but of diagnostic and prognostic value as well. A summary of these up-regulated receptors is below.

Lung cancer
Edg2, P2Y purinoceptor 6, PAR-2, PAR-3, GPR68
Breast cancer
Prostate cancer
Beta 2 adrenergic receptor, CXCR-3, CXCR-4, GPR68
Edg6, PAR-2, mGluR1
Gastric cancer
CXCR-4, P2Y purinoceptor 5
Beta 2 adrenergic receptor, Edg1, CCR7

While research continues, it is evident that GPCRs are critical in countless biological functions--and disfunctions. While the emphasis is on their role in drug development, it is becoming increasingly clear that G-protein coupled receptors will play a critical role as indicators of disease with diagnostic and prognostic potential. IMGENEX carries over 900 IHC, WB, and flow validated GPCR antibodies. View our complete GPCRs antibody list grouped by class and family. Also see our complete list of Tissue Microarray slides--perfect for GPCR localization.

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