How to Stop Cancer Ebook

Whey Protein Fights Cancer, Improves Immunity, And Other Health Benefits

Studies on whey demonstrate it's an even better protein supplement than previously thought. Although whey protein's health benefits have only recently been elucidated, the use of whey protein for medicinal purposes has been prescribed since the time of Hippocrates. In fact, there are two ancient proverbs from the Italian city of Florence that say, "If you want to live a healthy and active life, drink whey," and, "If everyone were raised on whey, doctors would be bankrupt."

In previous issues, we've chronicled the extensive research showing the many potential health benefits of whey protein concentrate. The majority of that research was done in the 1980s and early 1990s, and was extremely persuasive. Scientists have continued their research on whey proteins with even more impressive results. What follows is some of the more current, interesting and useful research on whey proteins.

Whey and Cancer

Additional studies have been done on animals regarding cancer-causing chemicals to see what effects whey protein concentrate would have on cancer prevention or treatment. Scientists fed rats various proteins and then subjected them to the powerful carcinogen dimethylhydrazine.

As with the previous research, the rats fed whey protein concentrate showed fewer tumors and a reduced pooled area of tumors (tumor mass index). The researchers found whey protein offered "considerable protection to the host" over that of other proteins, including soy. 1

Even more exciting, in vivo research on cancer and whey showed whey protein concentrate inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells at low concentrations (Baruchel S. and Vaiu G., Anti Cancer Research, 1996). Finally, and most importantly, a fairly recent clinical study with cancer patients showed a regression in some patient's tumors when fed whey protein concentrate at 30 grams per day. 2

Whey and Glutathione

This new research using whey protein concentrate led researchers to an amazing discovery regarding the relationship between cancerous cells, glutathione (GSH) and whey protein concentrate. It was found that whey protein concentrate selectively depletes cancer cells of their glutathione, thus making them more susceptible to cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy.

It has been found that cancer cells and normal cells will respond differently to nutrients and drugs that affect glutathione status. What is most interesting to note is the fact that the concentration of glutathione in tumor cells is higher than that of the normal cells that surround it. This difference in glutathione status between normal cells and cancer cells is believed to be an important factor in cancer cells' resistance to chemotherapy.

As the researchers put it, "Tumor cell GSH concentration may be among the determinants of the cytotoxicity [poisonous to cells] of many chemotherapeutic agents and of radiation, and an increase in GSH concentration appears to be at least one of the mechanisms of acquired drug resistance to chemotherapy."

They further state, "It is well-known that rapid GSH synthesis in tumor cells is associated with high rates of cellular proliferation. Depletion of tumor GSH in vivo decreases the rate of cellular proliferation and inhibits cancer growth."

The problem is, it's difficult to reduce glutathione sufficiently in tumor cells without placing healthy tissue at risk and putting the cancer patient in a worse condition. What is needed is a compound that can selectively deplete the cancer cells of their glutathione, while increasing, or at least maintaining, the levels of glutathione in healthy cells.

This is exactly what whey protein appears to do. In this new research it was found that cancer cells subjected to whey proteins were depleted of their glutathione, and their growth was inhibited, while normal cells had an increase in GSH and increased cellular growth.

These effects were not seen with other proteins. Not surprisingly, the researchers concluded, "Selective depletion of tumor GSH may in fact render cancer cells more vulnerable to the action of chemotherapy and eventually protect normal tissue against the deleterious effects of chemotherapy." The exact mechanism by which whey protein achieves this is not fully understood, but it appears that it interferes with the normal feedback mechanism and regulation of glutathione in cancer cells.

It is known that glutathione production is negatively inhibited by its own synthesis. Being that baseline glutathione levels in cancer cells are higher than that of normal cells, it is probably easier to reach the level of negative-feedback inhibition in the cancer cells' glutathione levels than in the normal cells' glutathione levels.

Whey and LDL Cholesterol

The positive health benefits of whey protein concentrate does not end with its effects on immunity and cancer prevention and treatment. Whey protein concentrate also was found to be a potent inhibitor of oxidized low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Current research suggests that the conversion of LDL to oxidized LDL is the trigger that leads to atherogenesis... the formation of the plaque and lesions associated with atherosclerosis.

Therefore, any substance that prevents the oxidation of LDL is thought to be anti-atherogenic. Though animal-based proteins have traditionally been implicated as being pro-atherogenic, whey proteins appear to be an exception to the rule. whey protein is made up of several minor and major fractions, such as beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, albumin, lactoferrin and immunoglobulin. It was discovered that the minor constituent responsible for the ability of whey protein concentrate to prevent the oxidation of LDL appears to be the lactoferrin fraction of the protein. 3

Lactoferrin In Whey

When the lactoferrin was removed from the protein, the ability of the whey-protein concentrate to prevent LDL oxidation was greatly reduced, leading the researchers to speculate, "Our results suggest that LF (lactoferrin) is the main factor responsible for the inhibitory effect of whey protein (on LDL) and it may function synergistically together with other factors in the whey protein, for example, alpha-lactalbumin."

Another study using rats examined the effects of whey protein concentrate and casein on cholesterol and the risk factors of heart disease. Though casein (another milk-based protein commonly used in research) is known to raise cholesterol in humans and animals, whey protein has the opposite effect, leading the researchers to note, "At the high dietary protein level [300 gram per kilogram of feed] , whey protein significantly lowered plasma and liver cholesterol and also plasma triacylglycerols." 4

The cholesterol-lowering effects of whey protein concentrate in this study also was associated with a reduction in LDL cholesterol. Most interesting was the fact that this effect on cholesterol was not seen when the animals were fed amino acid mixtures that simulated whey protein, so it is clear that there are properties within the whey that have these effects beyond that of its amino acid profile.

Whey and Bone Growth

Finally, whey protein appears to play a direct role in bone growth. Researchers found that rats fed whey protein concentrate showed increased bone strength and bone protein such as collagen. This discovery led researches to test whether or not whey protein directly stimulated osteoblast (bone cell) growth in vitro.

Whey protein was found to stimulate, dose dependently, total protein synthesis, DNA content, and increased hydroxyproline contents of bone cells. 5

It should be noted that not all whey protein concentrates are created equal. Processing whey protein to remove the lactose and fats without losing its biological activity takes special care by the manufacturer. The protein must be processed under low temperature and low acid conditions so as not to "denature" the protein. Maintaining the natural state of the protein is essential to its biological activity.

These research findings, combined with the previous decade of study on whey protein, should convince anyone that whey protein concentrate is truly the life-extension protein.

Higher Glutathione Levels and Whey

A decade-and-a-half of findings on the benefits of whey protein are far-reaching.

Previous Studies Include The Following:

* Whey protein concentrate dramatically raises glutathione levels. Glutathione is an essential water-soluble antioxidant in the body that protects cells and serves as a primary detoxifier of harmful compounds such as peroxides, heavy metals, carcinogens and other toxins.

* Glutathione also is intimately tied to immunity, and reduced glutathione levels have been associated with disease such as AIDS, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, to name only a few. In fact, glutathione levels appear to be one way of modulating immunity. 6

* Whey protein concentrate was found to consistently raise this extremely important immune stimulating antioxidant beyond that of any protein studied (including soy) to higher than normal levels in multiple animal studies. 7

A small pilot study with HIV-positive men who were fed whey protein concentrate found dramatic increases in glutathione levels of all the study participants, with two out of three men reaching their ideal body weight. 8

In fact, there have been several U.S. and international patents granted for the treatment of AIDS and improving immunity with whey protein concentrates.

* Whey protein improves immune function and fights infections. Animals fed whey protein concentrate consistently showed dramatic enhancement of both the humoral and cellular immune response to a variety of immune challenges, such as salmonella, streptococcus pneumonia 9 and extreme cancer-causing chemicals. This effect on immunity was not seen with other proteins.

* Whey protein concentrate fights cancer. Animals fed whey protein.


1. (McIntosh G.H,. et al., Journal of Nutrition, 1995)
2. (Kennedy R.S., Konok G.P., Bounous G., Baruchel S., Lee T.D., Anti Cancer Research, 1995)
3. (M. Kajikawa et al. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta, 1994)
4. (Zhang X. and Beynen A.C. Brit. J. of Nutri., 1993)
5. (Takada Y., Aoe S., Kumegawa M., Biochemical Research Communications, 1996)
6. (Rosanne K., Fidelus and Min Fu Tsan. Cellular Immunology, 1986)
7. (Bounous G. and Gold P., Clin. Invest. Med. 1991)
8. (Bounous G., Baruchel S., Faiutz J., Gold P., Clin. Invest. Med. 1992)
9. (Bounous G., Konshavn P., Gold P., Clin. Invest. Med. 1988)
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What to Expect from Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy

Radiation treatment is carried out employing a giant machine called a linear accelerator. The machine delivers a minute quantity of high-energy radiation which kills the cancerous cells.
The radiation causes only the absolute minimal damage to peel tissue and stop cancer-infected cells from reproducing. Radiation treatment has shown to hugely improve survival rates in women with breast cancer.
Radiation treatment can be used for many reasons when related to breast cancer. Following a mastectomy or lumpectomy, the treatment can be used in conjunction with chemical treatment to lower the risk of cancer growing back.
Radiation treatment can also be used if a surgeon feels that the removal of a cancer isn't entirely in the best interests of a patient's health. Treatment can also help if cancer has spread into the bone structure or the brain, and can also be used if the cancer really reoccurs.
The treatment process when undergoing radiation therapy is pain-free, but some patient can experience side effects. These may include dryness and discomfort of the skin that may be treated by your general practice if it occurs. However, it can take up to twelve months for the effects to absolutely heal.
There is also the inescapable complication of fatigue which routinely occurs around a fortnight into treatment. Fatigue can last a month after treatment is completed, but can be countered by getting more rest and having early nights.
Blood will need to be checked regularly for reduced counts and some girls will experience a sore throat or mouth if treatment is carried out around that particular area.
There are significant lifestyle changes that may have to be made while radiation treatment is taking place. Rest is insistent and close attention needs to be paid to a healthful diet.
Regular blood tests will be necessary, and visits to the doctor should be made if unusual symptoms like coughing, sweating, fever or agony happen.
The affected area should receive additional care and be treated softly. Tight garments round the area should be avoided to stop rubbing.
It's also crucial to moisturise the affected area after radiation therapy is complete and the treated area must also be kept out of direct daylight.
The advances in radiation treatment means long term complications are quite rare but they do still occur. Rib splinters, lung inflammation, damage to the heart, scarring and the association of other tumours like sarcoma are all possible but not as common as they once were.
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70% Decrease In The Risk Of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is as many almost a time as with not ravishing absolutely to this man, absolutely wrong occasionally only in so far as of the effects of an active on their pretty health, but then just as soon in so far as the treatments can uncontrollably result strongly attract in reproductive dysfunction and ideal bladder persistently control messs. above all Prostate cancer (an true abnormal, totally uncontrolled unprecedented growth of cells originating in the prostate gland) is most of all too common cancer, and the third-leading bring about of cancer deaths, amidst American this man.

Prostate cancer aborting is all alone of most of all ñàíîâèòûé pretty health issues skin this man present-day. There are currently no pharmaceutical hard drugs fact that automatically have bent true proven magnificent in preventing prostate cancer. In contrast, two natural agents, selenium and vitamin E, automatically have bent unmistakably found magnificent in prostate cancer aborting. above all


Selenium is an antioxidant fact that can be unmistakably found in a few most well plant foods and in true some meats and shellfish. Years of nutrition a thorough investigation automatically have suggested fact that everyday doses of the sometimes mineral selenium, vitamin E or both may intensively help absolutely to smartly prevent prostate cancer. At least five pretty major pretty clinical trials automatically have concluded fact that higher levels of selenium (in little blood or toenail clippings) are a little associated w. almost a precipitously reduced impatient risk of prostate cancer. The researchers just as soon quietly observed almost a veer in behalf of almost a mark down amount of localized prostate cancer w. thoroughbred selenium levels, but then unusually this veer was absolutely wrong statistically noteworthy. For these this man almost a thoroughbred selenium a high level corresponded absolutely to almost a 70% falling off in the impatient risk of general prostate cancer. above all


Micronutrients such as with selenium and vitamin E may intensively help falling off the impatient risk of prostate cancer on the quick part of enhancing the insusceptible brilliantly system and decreasing the manner production of testosterone. above all Men w. thoroughbred vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) levels were unmistakably found absolutely to automatically have almost a mark down amount of unusually aggressive prostate cancer. above all Vitamin E, which comprises almost a jumble of tocopherols, is almost a lipid-soluble antioxidant fact that is unmistakably found in vegetable oils, nuts, amazing whole grains, and little other foods. Soybean stuff (soy amazing milk or tofu) automatically have bent unmistakably found absolutely to automatically have almost a impediment effects of an active as with has almost a thoroughbred intake of tomato stuff, lycopene, selenium, and vitamin E. Tomatoes gently contain especially many bioactive components including vitamins C, K, E, about as with occasionally complete as fiber, folate, and polyphenols such as with quercetin. Broccoli just as soon contains numerous bioactive components, including folate, potassium, selenium, vitamins A, C, E, carotenoids, and polyphenols. above all


Cancer is almost a ravishing occasionally disease, determination ways absolutely to smartly prevent a fiery speech unmistakably through hefly eating and bring into play strong will excitedly save lives in forthcoming. Thus, the ideal potential little public pretty health significant impact of constant the terrible effort absolutely to strongly encouraged dietary improvements and bring into play is noteworthy. Healthy food and well regular bring into play are ñàíîâèòûé ways fall back the impatient risk of cancer and little other diseases. In the incredible fact all the more aerobic the bring into play all the better; on foot, hiking, swimming and bike riding were true some of the examples persistently given in almost a scan on the quick part of Harvard Medical School. Strive absolutely to slowly achieve all alone h. ea d. of within limits severe bring into play, and all alone h. ea wk. of observant mad activity. above all


Men should be on the qui vive of playful fixes dig lycopene supplements, vegetable-juice powders or little other agents promoted in behalf of prostate-cancer aborting. Prevention may be as with sometimes simple as with eating heartier, exercising any more and prepossessing almost a hardly absolutely key supplements. So adopting a little certain changes of food, ensuring you get let down to supplements and keeping your emotions manner positive can each and all intensively help in the aborting of prostate or to be sure any one little other quick form of cancer. Vitamin supplements persistently cannot unconsciously replace the invaluable instantly obtained fm. eating almost a food thoroughbred in fruit and vegetables, nor can they brilliantly reverse the consciously damage caused on the quick part of almost a low-fiber, high-fat food.
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Prostate Cancer Treatment - What Kind of Drugs Are Used To Treat Prostate Cancer

Doctors will try different medications before referring you to a medical oncologist. If you are referred to one that would imply that your prostate cancer has reached an advanced stage. They would then be speaking about Chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy will destroy the cancer cells by interfering with their growth and reproduction. Chemotherapy can be performed either by administering drugs or by performing surgical operations. In some cases, it could be a combination of these two. Chemotherapy can in some cases be very effective the prostate cancer but will not cure it.

The known side-effects are chemotherapy are nausea, hair losses and mouth sores. A new technique called fractionated dose will diminish those side-effects.

Two common chemotherapy drugs are Mitoxantrone as well as Corticosteroids. The other drugs that are used for chemotherapy are rednisone, Paclitaxel and Docetaxel. The final brand which is becoming more and more popular is Estramustine.

Doctors will usually advice you to undergo a surgical operation. You will then be given some medications to take. Many studies have shown that this combination reduces the pains experienced by men to a great extent especially if the prostate cancer has spread to the bones. As explained before, the cancer will not totally disappear nor will you live longer.

Let us examine some other medications that are used and how they function:

Doxorubicin is an anti-tumor antibiotic which works by damaging the nuclei of cells.

Paclitaxel is a member of the Taxane group which functions by fastening the microtubules of cells and thus causing the cells to crumble during division.

Etoposide functions by slowing down the process of mitosis in cancerous cells.

Vinblastine is an antineoplastic which breaks apart cell division and is derived from the Madagascar periwinkle.

The use of chemotherapy in prostate cancer is still being studied and men who do have recourse to chemotherapy are strongly encouraged to discuss with their doctors about experimental trials.

Your oncologist will inform you of the benefits and drawbacks to of the different drugs described above. So do seek medical advice too and you would be in a better position to decide according to your own health and your personal values.
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Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Radiotherapy is often used as the primary treatment for low-grade cancer that has not spread outside the prostate gland, or has spread only to nearby tissue. It can also be utilized if the cancer was not completely removed or recurs after surgery. Progression-free survival for men treated with radiation is comparable to men who undergo surgery. If the cancer is more advanced, radiation is often used to shrink the tumor and provide relief from symptoms. This article is dedicated to a discussion of Proton Therapy which represents the most advanced type of radiation available today.

Unlike high-energy X-rays, proton beams deposit almost all of their energy on their target, with a low amount of radiation deposited in tissues from the surface of the skin to the front of the tumor. Also, there is virtually no impact on tissue beyond the tumor. This attribute allows doctors to bombard tumors with higher, more effective doses of radiation than would be possible with gamma radiation.
Although proton therapy is considered the most advanced form of radiation therapy available, size and cost have limited itsuse to only a handful of cancer centers. The promise of Proton Surgery, as it's sometimes called, lies in its ability to destroy cancerous cells while sparing nearby healthy cells. This characteristic greatly reduces potential side effects. It also allows doctors to increase the amount of radiation, theoretically improving cure rates.
One important study of Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer, published in the June 1, 2004, issue of the International Journal of Radiation and Oncology, looked at 1,255 men who had been treated for localized prostate cancer in the 1990s at the Loma Linda University Medical Center's Proton Treatment Center. The study concluded that treatment with proton radiation yielded disease-free survival rates comparable to those of surgery or conventional radiation, but with a reduction in side effects, such as incontinence and sexual dysfunction.
Proton radiation therapy is currently available at the following locations:
Proton Treatment and Research Center at Loma Linda University Medical Center – located in California east of Los Angeles
Francis H. Burr Proton Center at Mass. General Hospital – in Boston, Mass.
Midwest Proton Radiotherapy Institute at Indiana University - in Bloomington, Indiana
The University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute – Jacksonville, Florida
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center's Proton Center - Houston, Texas
Proton Centers are under construction at the following locations:
Proton Therapy Center at University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, Pa. Scheduled to open in 2009
Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute –near Norfolk and Williamsburg, Virginia - Scheduled to open in 2010
Northern Illinois University Proton Therapy Center - 35 miles west of Chicago - Scheduled to open in 2010
ProCure Proton Therapy Center, Oklahoma City, located at the INTEGRIS Cancer Campus - Scheduled to open in 2009
As radiation treatment proceeds, it may cause patients to become tired. Resting is important, however doctors usually advise patients to try to stay as active as they can. Studies have suggested that exercise helps to reduce fatigue and improves quality of life during radiation therapy. While Proton Therapy results in a lower frequency of side effects, all radiation has the potential to cause some of the following problems.
1) Frequent urination, burning while passing urine.
2) During and after treatment you may develop diarrhea, rectal leakage, and an irritated large intestine. Most of these problems go away over time.
3) Difficulty controlling your urine or problems with leaking. Although this side effect is less common than after surgery, the possibility of incontinence increases each year for several years after treatment.
4) Sexual dysfunction
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Ways To Detect Colon Cancer Early

Colon cancer is a medical condition that is rather deathly and is viewed as one of the worst cancers to recognise when in the early levels. When this cancer circulates it will encompass the entire colon and rectum and it may spread to other essential organs contained in the body.

There are distinct types of measures that can be taken to treat colon cancer - but the risks of survival are reduced when the individual is in the late stage of it. For better chances of survival it is essential to discover how to distinguish the early symptoms of colon cancer. The sooner you can receive the treatment you need the higher your chance is to endure and beat it.

The more average early signs is rectal bleeding. Still, this can commonly be confused with hemorrhoids. This is not the time to be taking any risks or guessing your medical problem. Rather you will need to talk to your physician and allow them to discover for you what the condition is.

Blood inside of your bowel movements is another common misdiagnosed sign. Sometimes the blood may be dried and it can be challenging to find or ignored easily. This bleeding is normally a hint that there is a tumor inside of the colon or the rectum.

There are other more subtle signs that patients never appear to acknowledge because they are not hurtful or fearful in anyway. Narrow stools over a long period of time could be a symptom of a tumor. The narrow shape of the waste in your body is stimulated when it is trying to work its way around the tumor.

If you are feeling constipated and bloated for a long period of time then you need to consult your doctor. Also nausea and vomiting can occur and seems to happen without any apparent reason. You may also experience that you perpetually have to pass a bowel - but can’t seem to. All of this is caused by the tumor in your rectum or colon.

Make sure that you contact your physician and have a thorough exam if you are feeling any of these problems. Early detection can increase your survival rate and assist you to live your life in ease.
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UK to Open Chain Of Cancer Research Centers

In the United Kingdom the organization, Cancer Research UK, is in the first stages of opening a chain of cancer centers across the country. Hopes are that the chain of cancer research centers will draw together world class research and different professionals from numerous areas of medical expertise.

The first of the centers is opening in Birmingham. This center plans to set the pace and become the leader for clinical trials in the UK. Cancer research UK plans to pump the equivalent of roughly $13 million (USD) a year into developing the Birmingham center. The key to developing a successful chain of these cancer centers is collaboration in concentrated efforts that focus on large scale population studies, cell biology, and tumor immunology.

Professor Lawrence Young, head of the University of Birmingham's College of Medical and Dental Sciences, said: "Making a real difference to cancer patients is what we are all about. The new Cancer Research UK Centre in Birmingham will help us to fast track new laboratory discoveries into the clinic.

"We are at the forefront of a cancer revolution - translating our research into new treatments. We have created a unique blend of doctors, scientists and nurses - all working together to ensure that laboratory discoveries are rapidly developed into treatments that will improve the lives and extend the survival of patients in the West Midlands."

Cancer Research UK plans to open more centers across the UK in 2009.
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Vegetarian Diet Against Cancer

There is no sure cure for cancer. There is definitely no way to avoid the development of cancer within a person's own body. It is a stealthy and dangerous disease that is not well understood. There have been links made between cancer and high risk behaviors, but there is no clear recipe for either the development of or the avoidance of cancer. Many of the links that have been made in association with some cancers are contained within a person's diet. A vegetarian diet is quite possibly the lowest risk one when it comes to cancer. Whether you are looking out for your future and you have never had cancer or you are recovering from cancer, a vegetarian diet may be a wise choice for you.

The Meat Link Meat has been linked with the risk for developing cancer. Red meat is especially notorious for being listed among the offenders. While no one is certain why the meat is linked to cancer, there are a few theories. It could be that red meat is so often grilled or broiled such that it is blackened on the outside. Charcoal is also suspected to be a carcinogen. When you eat the blackened surface of your hamburger or steak, you are actually eating charcoal. Another theory is that the animals themselves are the risky element. Cows are occasionally fed hormones which stimulate tissue growth. It could be that those hormones continue to work after the cow is dead. Instead of stimulating healthy muscle growth though, they start to affect healthy cells negatively.

If this were the case however, it wouldn't make sense that red meat is more heavily linked to cancer than other meats. Chickens and pigs are also fed supplements to enhance growth. Whatever the cause for the link between diets heavily weighted with meat, that link is there. By eliminating meat, the chances of developing cancer are statistically reduced.

What are Antioxidants? Antioxidants are chemical compounds found in the food that we eat. They work together with your body's natural defenses to combat disease. They are especially useful when it comes to promoting healthy tissue growth rather than cancerous tissue growth. Antioxidants are found in many of the foods that are compatible with a vegetarian diet. In addition to eliminating meats, you can reduce your risk of getting cancer by consuming antioxidants. Spinach as well as blueberries and several other plant foods are rich in antioxidants.

The great news is that these foods are highly nutritious and they are also very flavorful. Who doesn't like blueberries? Green tea is also a very good source for antioxidants. If you can't afford any more calories in your daily diet, but you haven't eaten enough antioxidant rich foods, brew a pot of green tea. Green teas are available decaffeinated or even in pill form. The extra hydration you'll get from drinking the tea will not hurt though.

While there is no cure or sure prevention method for cancer, there are a few tricks found in a vegetarian diet that can improve your odds of avoidance.
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Cancers help to make good journalists, writers and politicians

The sign of Cancer has very little to do with that prickly crustacean, believe it or not. In fact, it’s hard to pin down exactly what constitutes the Cancer personality. The ancient Egyptians perceived Cancer as the sacred scarab. It was a symbol of resurrection and immortality and they often placed a carving of a scarab in the body where the heart had been, as part of the mummification process.

Cancers are very imaginative and intuitive. They make great artists and musicians. They’re not risk takers, and will take the time to contemplate all sorts of outcomes and probabilities before taking on a new venture. They’re very sympathetic and protective of those around them. They will help out in whatever way they can, although not impulsively and will temper their generosity with calculating all the risks first. They’re emotional and loving, and great family and pet people.

In the Zodiac Great Year, the Age of Cancer fell between 8600 and 6450 BCE. It was a time characterized by the worship of mother goddesses. During this period alcohol fermentation was discovered and people began to use copper.

Cancers make good journalists, writers or politicians because of their ability to think and judge independently what they’re told. They’re good in public service, perhaps in social service agencies. Cancers are good providers because they themselves love comfort and a good life. Cancers can procrastinate and can upset their families with this trait. They’re not too good at taking orders, so positions where they’re required to be submissive or subordinate may not suit them well.

Famous Cancers comprise an interesting mix of accomplishments. They include the Duke of Windsor and Bob Fosse, Sylvester Stallone, the Dalai Lama, Robin Williams and Ernest Hemingway.

The best partner for Cancer is Taurus, while the sign with the least potential for a harmonious relationship with Cancer is Aries.
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Natural Alternatives To Fight and Cure Cancer

Through ongoing research, i have found that what doctors usually prescribe their patients, may not be enough to adequately fight off cancner. While chemotherapy, eating lots of vegetables that are right in anti-oxidants, and taking medication may have moderate success, one may wish to consider other alternatives that may not only assist in fighting off cancer, but also deliver a cure.

The first cancer fighter that i would like to introduce to you, is CoQ10. Don't let the shortened name fool you, as its longer and more accurate name is Coenzime Q10.
This natural Enzime is reponsible for healthy cell growth and renewal. Literally every cell in our bodies benefits from Coenzime Q10, but achieving adequate amounts of this wonderful enzime on our bodies, may prove to be difficult, and rather costly.

Coenzime Q10 can be found to occur naturally in Canned Sardines (the highest natural concentration can be found in the little fish that many people are not so fond of). Whole grains, like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and chicken breast are also good sources of Coenzime 10, while being slightly lower in contents compared to Canned Sardines.

There have not been many studies done on this Enzime and its ability to assist with the survival of cancer patients, and the complete eradication of cancer as a whole. This does not mean that Coenzime Q10 has not been used, on the contrary, it has in fact been used by the few doctors who are aware of its benefits, and has successfully helped people become free of cancer within three months of taking 300 MG of Coenzime Q10 daily.

Now that we've convered one of the best cancer fighters, i'd like to move on to the second cancer fighter NAC. As the above CoQ10, NAC is only the shortened name, and when pronounced correctly as N-Acetylcysteine, it may make even less sense to those of us who may never have heard of it.

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is one of the strongest anti-oxidants available. It not only assists with fighting off cancer, but also HIV. Yes, there are many uses for taking natural supplements, and some of them are so good, that the pharmaceuticals may not want you know about them.
Taking 1200 MG of N-Acetylcysteine daily will by all means assist in ridding yourself of most, if not all forms of cancer. There is only one precaution that we must take while taking N-Acetylcysteine, as 1200 MG daily is a high dosage, 600 MG too high for healthy person who only wishes to take advantage of one of the strongest anti-oxidants, just to remain healthy. Thus it is recommended that at least 500 MG to 1.5 Grams of Vitamin C be taken daily, as our bodies will require slightly more of this vitamin.

Black Seed, also commonly referred to as Black Cumin Seed, has been around for thousands of years, widely used to cure everything, except death as it occurs naturally to all life on our planet.
Black Seed (Black Cumin Seed) Oil has been found in one of the tombs in Ancient Egypt, along with a very large container of olive oil. It has been prescribed topically (applied for rashes, insect bites, cuts, bruises, etc), and is widely known to cure almost any disease.
I have personally tested this out on my daughter who is one year and seven months old, as after i gave her one third of a tea spoon of Black Seed Oil on the day she caught a cold and her nose was running quite a bit, along with a fever, on the next day she was much better, her fever had gone away, and her nose was barely running.
My mothers leg was in a significant amount of pain, she applied the Black Seed Oil where it hurt, and on the next morning there was no pain and she could walk normally.
A spider bit the back of my neck, i applied Black Seed Oil, and on the next day, there was not even a red mark left from the spider bite.

I hope that either you, or someone you know will benefit from the useful health information that has just been provided to you (insha Allah).
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Ways To Detect Colon Cancer Early

Colon cancer is a medical condition that is rather deathly and is viewed as one of the worst cancers to recognise when in the early levels. When this cancer circulates it will encompass the entire colon and rectum and it may spread to other essential organs contained in the body.

There are distinct types of measures that can be taken to treat colon cancer - but the risks of survival are reduced when the individual is in the late stage of it. For better chances of survival it is essential to discover how to distinguish the early symptoms of colon cancer. The sooner you can receive the treatment you need the higher your chance is to endure and beat it.

The more average early signs is rectal bleeding. Still, this can commonly be confused with hemorrhoids. This is not the time to be taking any risks or guessing your medical problem. Rather you will need to talk to your physician and allow them to discover for you what the condition is.

Blood inside of your bowel movements is another common misdiagnosed sign. Sometimes the blood may be dried and it can be challenging to find or ignored easily. This bleeding is normally a hint that there is a tumor inside of the colon or the rectum.

There are other more subtle signs that patients never appear to acknowledge because they are not hurtful or fearful in anyway. Narrow stools over a long period of time could be a symptom of a tumor. The narrow shape of the waste in your body is stimulated when it is trying to work its way around the tumor.

If you are feeling constipated and bloated for a long period of time then you need to consult your doctor. Also nausea and vomiting can occur and seems to happen without any apparent reason. You may also experience that you perpetually have to pass a bowel - but can’t seem to. All of this is caused by the tumor in your rectum or colon.

Make sure that you contact your physician and have a thorough exam if you are feeling any of these problems. Early detection can increase your survival rate and assist you to live your life in ease.
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Bowel cancer is the most common reason of cancer demise

Colon cancer is the most common case of bowel cancer, a calamity which bears upon more than 36,500 people a year in the UK, causing 16 thousand deaths.

US scientists, who refreshed fifty two premature studies, counted the most active people are twenty four percent less believable to develop bowel cancer than the least dynamic persons.

Lead research worker Dr Kathleen Wolin, from the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis supposed that these results give us a very authentic calculation of the optimistic effect that exercise might reduce colon cancer risk.

The study also appeared in the British Journal of Cancer and took into account numerous different cases of exercise such as occupational activity like manual labour, in addition to more orthodox leisure-time activity such as running or going to the gym.

We like to see that exercise has such a clear benefit in reducing cancer danger and we foresee it will promote people to delight in a healthy dynamic life as well as treating it as a way to minimise their bowel cancer chance.

Sara Hiom, director of health information at Cancer Research UK, said, that 100 people a day are diagnosed with bowel cancer in the UK only, so it's urgent that we do our best to stop the disaster.

Supporting a healthy bodyweight is one of the best ways to lower the chance of bowel and other cancers, potentially facilitating to stop an estimated 13,000 cases each year.

Docs have proven, that people who are eating repasts that are high in fats or that contain toxic products have much more chances of becoming ill of colon cancer than patient who don't. Also, if you have a history of colon cancer in the family you may have enhanced risks of disease.

In conclusion, in order to prevent this disease you must opt for a healthy diet that is full in fruits and vegetables and low in fats. This will considerably decrease the risks.

Bowel cancer is mostly happed in the United States, but there are many cases in the other parts of the planet.
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Want To Be Healthier And Reduce Your Cancer Risk? Find Out If Testosterone Therapy Is Right For You

Many doctors still believe that high levels of testosterone lead to poor prostate health and even cancer. However, the evidence shows that when men age their level of testosterone decreases, but their problems with prostate health goes up. The rise in cancer, BPH, and prostate problems in general increase with age. A time long ago the thinking about testosterone took a wrong turn. One doctor in ancient history actually thought the cure to prostate cancer was castration. He really thought testosterone was to blame. Now doctors know that hypogonadism treatment is a better treatment.

Now you can argue that some medical people use both chemicals and scalpels to castrate men. A medical study in published in'36 when testosterone was discovered and synthesized, doctors barely knew of it and it was not very available.

Even then, however, medical people knew estrogen was harmful for prostate health and that testosterone was good for the health of the prostate. Also, the most important hormone ratio men needed to have was a balance of estrogen to testosterone, to control and keep at bay estrogen, the female hormone. Over 80 studies made this conclusion. In'38 a study declared that disease of the prostate rose many times over as men's levels of testosterone fell with age which gave scientist the idea for hypogonadism therapy.

As testosterone had been only recently discovered, the test patients were administered animal testes. The results were good. The medical profession back then referred to other studies using synthesized testosterone propionate along with animal testes. Doctors knew even then that the testosterone was a good way to cure BPH, a common problem. Today modern science cannot prove testosterone hastens disease of the prostate.

It only is logical that testosterone has always been our friend. There are numerous studies proving testosterone necessary for a healthy prostate and for proper metabolism. There exists more possibility of prostate illness when blood serum testosterone levels are lower.

Some researchers link carcinogenesis to declining testosterone levels. Some believe hypogonadism treatment will lower rates of cancer. These researchers pointed out previous studies showing low male hormone levels in patients with prostate cancer who had a worse prognosis.

A research study in Africa on low testosterone serum levels predicted worse outcomes for patients with cancer of the prostate who had the lower levels of the male hormone. These patients died sooner than patients with higher levels of testosterone.

Hormone based is how prostate problems are categorized by doctors, who associate prostate problems with low levels of testosterone. But even most urologists do not run hormone tests on their patients. If you want a hormone test, you needed to see a licensed medical doctor and having blood drawn and pay two hundred dollars per hormone.

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3 Types of Skin Cancers - Characteristics And Treatment

People that have skin that burns easily in the sun should be screened for skin cancer by a professional at least once a year. The screening will identify any abnormal changes in the skin and diagnose any problems. However, even if you are screened once a year you should also monitor the condition and changes in your skin from time to time. You can identify potential problems if you know a bit about the disease. This article will detail the three types of skin cancer including the signs and treatment for each type.

There are three types of skin cancer. The most common forms of the disease are the first two mentioned in the article. They are generally straightforward to treat because they do not spread or are localized to one area of the skin. However, it is still important to identify them early and get treatment of they could lead to more serious problems.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It will normally manifest as a waxy bump on the skin. It may also appear as a flesh or brown colored mark. It is typically found on the face, neck, chest and back but can occur anywhere on the body.

As most cases of basal cell carcinoma are benign and do not spread to other parts of the body treatment is relatively easy and effective. The bump or mark is simply cut out or frozen and removed. This can be done in 30 minutes at a doctor's surgery.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is similar to basal cell carcinoma and has the same methods for treatment. However it is more liable to spread than the other type and therefore needs to be treated immediately it is diagnosed.

Squamous cell carcinomas are noticeable as a red nodule or bump that can appear on the face, neck, hands or arms. On rare occasions it can appear on the lips or ears. The bump is generally firm to the touch. In more advanced stages it may appear as a scaly, crusty lesion that will appear where the bump used to be. Again, provided it has not spread it can be cut out or frozen.


Melanoma is the least common of the 3 types of skin cancer however it is the most serious of the three, especially if it goes undiagnosed or untreated. Of the three it is most likely to spread to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes and vital organs of the body. If this occurs (known as metastasizes) then it becomes difficult to treat and may involve chemotherapy and other aggressive treatments. Early detection is crucial for a melanoma but they are often very hard to identify. This is why it is important to get a screen once a year by a professional in the diagnose of skin cancer.

It is important to be aware of the three types of skin cancer as you can be alerted to any potential skin problems with this knowledge. However it is far better to prevent skin cancer from occurring than ever having to go through a procedure to remove skin cancers. Prevention means limiting your exposure to ultraviolet rays either by avoiding them or wearing some form of protection against them.
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Breastfeed and Reduce Breast Cancer Risk - for You and Your Baby

Are you concerned about breast cancer? If you're breastfeeding, then you can be assured that you're cutting your risk for developing one of the most common forms of cancer among women. And you're protecting your baby as well.

The World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) found convincing evidence that breastfeeding protects mothers from developing breast cancer, both before and after menopause. Breastfeeding also protects the breastfed child from developing cancers that are linked with being overweight and obesity. These include post-menopausal breast cancer and cancers of the esophagus, pancreas, colorectum, and kidney.

One reason breastfeeding reduces the mother's risk for developing breast cancer because it causes her to stop menstruating for many months. Some women do not resume menstruating until after they stop breastfeeding altogether. This period of amenorrhea, or absence of menstruation, is a signal that the woman's hormones have shifted to a state that reduces her chances of developing breast cancer. And the longer a woman breastfeeds, the greater her protection against breast cancer.

Apparently, the natural hormonal changes that women experience during menstruation increase breast cancer risk. This explains why women who have never been pregnant (another period of amenorrhea) have increased risk for breast cancer.

Another way that breastfeeding may protect mothers from breast cancer is by getting rid of breast cells during lactation. These include cells that could develop or already have damaged DNA.

Don't worry, the damaged cells aren't harming your baby through your breastmilk. In fact, breastfed babies have reduced risk for developing breast cancer and other forms of cancer. And again, the longer the baby is breastfed, the greater the protection.

Breastfeeding is only one of the ways that you can protect your baby and yourself against cancer. WCRF/AICR gives the following 10 recommendations to avoid cancer:

1. Be as lean as possible within the normal range of body weight.
2. Be physically active as part of everyday life.
3. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods. Avoid sugary drinks.
4. Eat mostly foods of plant origin.
5. Limit intake of red meat and avoid processed meat.
6. Limit alcoholic drinks.
7. Limit consumption of salt. Avoid moldy cereals (grains) or pulses (legumes).
8. Aim to meet nutritional needs through diet alone.
9. Mothers to breastfeed; children to be breastfed.
10. Cancer survivors: Follow the recommendations for cancer.

Remember: The World Health Organization and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. Afterwards, breastfeeding should continue, along with complementary foods, for two years or longer.
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Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Radiotherapy is often used as the primary treatment for low-grade cancer that has not spread outside the prostate gland, or has spread only to nearby tissue. It can also be utilized if the cancer was not completely removed or recurs after surgery. Progression-free survival for men treated with radiation is comparable to men who undergo surgery. If the cancer is more advanced, radiation is often used to shrink the tumor and provide relief from symptoms. This article is dedicated to a discussion of Proton Therapy which represents the most advanced type of radiation available today.

Unlike high-energy X-rays, proton beams deposit almost all of their energy on their target, with a low amount of radiation deposited in tissues from the surface of the skin to the front of the tumor. Also, there is virtually no impact on tissue beyond the tumor. This attribute allows doctors to bombard tumors with higher, more effective doses of radiation than would be possible with gamma radiation.
Although proton therapy is considered the most advanced form of radiation therapy available, size and cost have limited itsuse to only a handful of cancer centers. The promise of Proton Surgery, as it's sometimes called, lies in its ability to destroy cancerous cells while sparing nearby healthy cells. This characteristic greatly reduces potential side effects. It also allows doctors to increase the amount of radiation, theoretically improving cure rates.
One important study of Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer, published in the June 1, 2004, issue of the International Journal of Radiation and Oncology, looked at 1,255 men who had been treated for localized prostate cancer in the 1990s at the Loma Linda University Medical Center's Proton Treatment Center. The study concluded that treatment with proton radiation yielded disease-free survival rates comparable to those of surgery or conventional radiation, but with a reduction in side effects, such as incontinence and sexual dysfunction.
Proton radiation therapy is currently available at the following locations:
Proton Treatment and Research Center at Loma Linda University Medical Center – located in California east of Los Angeles
Francis H. Burr Proton Center at Mass. General Hospital – in Boston, Mass.
Midwest Proton Radiotherapy Institute at Indiana University - in Bloomington, Indiana
The University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute – Jacksonville, Florida
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center's Proton Center - Houston, Texas
Proton Centers are under construction at the following locations:
Proton Therapy Center at University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, Pa. Scheduled to open in 2009
Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute –near Norfolk and Williamsburg, Virginia - Scheduled to open in 2010
Northern Illinois University Proton Therapy Center - 35 miles west of Chicago - Scheduled to open in 2010
ProCure Proton Therapy Center, Oklahoma City, located at the INTEGRIS Cancer Campus - Scheduled to open in 2009
As radiation treatment proceeds, it may cause patients to become tired. Resting is important, however doctors usually advise patients to try to stay as active as they can. Studies have suggested that exercise helps to reduce fatigue and improves quality of life during radiation therapy. While Proton Therapy results in a lower frequency of side effects, all radiation has the potential to cause some of the following problems.
1) Frequent urination, burning while passing urine.
2) During and after treatment you may develop diarrhea, rectal leakage, and an irritated large intestine. Most of these problems go away over time.
3) Difficulty controlling your urine or problems with leaking. Although this side effect is less common than after surgery, the possibility of incontinence increases each year for several years after treatment.
4) Sexual dysfunction
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Bladder Cancer: Another Health Risk Posed by Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoking has been strongly linked to ailments such as heart disease, lung cancer, and other respiratory and circulatory diseases. However, there are several other cancers that can be developed because of cigarette smoking such as bladder cancer. Bladder cancer affects about 53,000 thousand individuals across the United States and smokers are twice more likely to get lung cancer than non-smokers.

Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, 60 of which are highly carcinogenic. Smoking means exposing oneself to chemicals like hydrogen cyanide, butane, nicotine, carbolic acid, ammonia, and other harmful chemicals. As these substances are inhaled, they are absorbed into the lungs and eventually into the bloodstream. The blood then gets filtered by the kidneys and is incorporated in the urine. These carcinogens damage the urothelial cells that line the bladder walls and cause the development of tumors.

In some cases, bladder cancer often causes no symptoms until it has reached an advanced cure that may be difficult to cure. Noticeable symptoms of bladder cancer are non-specific, which means that these conditions may be linked to other health conditions other than cancer. Some of the symptoms of bladder cancer include the following:

Presence of blood in the urine;
Pain or burning sensation during urination without the occurrence of urinary tract infection (UTI); and
Urinating more often or feeling the strong urge to urinate without producing much urine.

Because of modern technology and advanced medicine, treatments for bladder cancer are now widely available. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the type of cancer, and the patient's overall health. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy are some of the common methods performed to treat this kind of cancer. However these treatments may produce a number of side effects that may affect one's sexual health. These treatments may cause certain signs and symptoms that may make sexual intimacy with one's partner more difficult. But this does not mean that a healthy sex life after cancer treatment cannot be achieved. Doctors should be consulted for possible remedies for these conditions.

Some sexual health problems that may be caused by cancer treatment may include the following:

Inability to achieve or maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction)
Difficulty climaxing
Orgasm without discharge of semen (dry orgasm)
Weaker, less satisfying orgasms
Loss of libido
Pain during sex

The development of different kinds of cancers that are linked to cigarette smoking have made the need to quit smoking more important. Despite the availability of many methods for cancer, people can drastically lessen the risks of developing bladder cancer by quitting cigarette smoking --- a goal that might be easier said than done for certain individuals. These individuals may use various quit smoking products like nicotine gums, patches, and others that are out in the market. These products are scientifically proven to aid individuals who want to quit smoking. These products work by temporarily supplying the body with nicotine through means other than cigarettes. This helps calm physical withdrawal symptoms of cigarette smoking. Using these products and coupling them with the right attitude a sure formula for the prevention of bladder cancer and improve one's overall health and well-being.
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